The first thing you notice upon landing at Half Moon Island is the rotting dory that may be the remains of an old whaling expedition.

Our guide said that this whale bone must be at least a hundred years old since whalers used to leave the bones before they developed the technology 100 years ago to process oil from them, leaving nothing.

A remarkable vista seen from Half Moon Island.

Wow, we’re really here at the bottom of the world.

A Zodiac is lowered from Le Diamant for another landing.

Passing through Neptunes Bellows, a narrow passage into the caldera of Deception Island.

We landed at Telefon Bay on Deception Island where we could hike up to the crater of the most recent eruption in 1970.

View of Le Diamant anchored in Telefon Bay as seen from the crater.

Our group atop the crater.